Just as it wrote up there, that is what it name? Avena, and she called nana. Born 29 June 2007 at Yogyakarta, what a nice place to get birth. Somehow, currently Nana in Pekanbaru and lives with me. She's being a good dog and also friendly. Always has this strange stamina to play with plastic bottle, shoes, woods and even play run and chase. But when she gets tired or worst get bored, hmmm... Nap will be the answer or just sit in front of the fan. Make her body cool and relax.

What nana will do after breakfast...? sit out side and hold her shoe, and waiting and watching any cats might come past her face.

Freak....!!! this friend i have, she has a big body with her age that only 7 months old. I have no problem at all by keeping Nana with me, beside i can talk to her (in different language of course....!!!!) she also share some happiness, by her act, running and chasing something that we don't know what or even barking to some direction which when we saw through it, its nothing but an empty space and only wind the thing we can feel. Everyone likes nana, she's definitely friendly dog just like her master A FRIENDLY MAN...... hahahahha