Sunday, May 29, 2011
Half way there
Break the rules, find it out, figure it out, feel it, how it can embrace you to a level of approximately super human with standard freak of shit. This is getting better, just another door way step and a rock stop the foot movement.
No selfish, no regret, just take it for granted....
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The road is wide open, a way to chase another direction of a point. Fighting the desire not to bench the hook and keep it sharp where ever it pointed to. A call to remember the announcement of stupid order, and then confuse of all those fictions story between the ages of loneliness. Framed in the world of imagination, sounds like a fire that burns the real pain.
Keeping the music on, as a companion on the way home. Stepping the dark, choose the set of life and live with it. Nor you and or the Guards know what will happen, in the meaning of insanity, it is just getting far beyond the illusion of amazing life.
More and more story created just by waving hands, throwing smiles and wasting words. But in "Silent"? even a dog can not stand with it.
Get to the end of the poetry, Put the hope under, and raise the temper, make love like a liar and let the story shared.
What a stupid idea......
See you Later....
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bryan never complain for everything, eat whatever he got (food of course), play every time he has a chance to go out and still loyal to ask permission whenever someone wants to take him for walk.
This boy is the most loyal friend, i guess that what dogs created for, to be loyal.

And now he has a friend in the house, Brandy, the most charming girl now, a little bit dark on her coat and more energy still since she's only 3.5 months old. These both golden retrievers now become the most loyal friend for me.
Have a nice day....
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
There she is......

Every morning she waits for the door opened, to see the sun and to feel fresh air. She usually take her personal business (pup and pee) and then start jump towards me and then she will go to Bryan, tease him to play with her.
Oh ya, Bryan is a male golden retriever, 4 years old now. Bryan is the one that accompany me at home.
So Brandy was arrived on Monday, May 9, 2011 at 16.00 local time. It was terrible, since the schedule was really out of discussion, the airplane delayed for couple of hours, but then she arrived safe, she looked so calm, wonder where is she now.
We took her home, she is amazing, i thought a puppy will be like a stranger in a new home, but this one is really a dominant, she just wondering around and had some water. And then met Bryan, this guy is a jealousy one, he barked out loud. Every time i ho
ld Brandy, and Bry respond with loud barking. But now they are alright, live in the same hood with the same "babeh".
There she is with her former mom, still her mom i guess. Maryland's Gold is a well-nature, responsible and care kennel, they are not breed this dog for Business, but they love dogs. It is a precious opportunity to be trusted to take care one of their puppy, Thank you Maryland's Gold Kennel.
She's the family now, the Kunaifi's Family, from the heart and honest, from the heat of earth part, I'm proud to present you the new member of the Family, Brandy.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Chapter 2
Make them trust you, put yourself among them, be part of them, somehow it will just flow out, just like that.
Next, have drink, a lot of heavy drink but keep yourself together and stay focus. That mask will inform you such a enormous information.
Enjoy it....
Friday, May 6, 2011
The Swamp of thoughts

So there are many ways to investigate or interrogate people to find out the truth or information.
Torture, drain their energy, hurt their physic, put them in the position of extremely unacceptable and they will tell you everything they have.
Share the love, act like you love them, they will give you what you want.
Or Push them to the level of negative emotion reaction, make them really hate you, let the hatred grow over the logic, make them really feel like rejecting, they will tell you what they have about you or what you want to hear.
The masks we are talking about are mask of madness, anger, compassion, spirit to survive.....
Pick up your mask or i'll pick it up for you, (you don't want it, believe me)
This is the first chapter of insanity reaction against mission impossible.....
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Out Post
"You're in TROUBLE my man...!!!!" hahaha, this is it, the time when everything settled while i thought its going to be better. The rats in my house, the time that i couldn't even manage, the works that seems getting crazy and the thoughts that still unstable. The Tank, I was planning to have a marine aquarium, but it won't work, just about two hours then the tank cracked. The fish pond in front, leaking. What the heck is going on here.
The luck is fading through time, i think so. So the moment when its about the self happiness will be the moment of it ends right away. No matter what happen or what it caused, is it my big mouth, my stupid attitude or just being quite, it just end up, just like that.
Someone ever said to me that I need to consider my own happiness, and its a great idea, but it also comes with the circumstances which unexpected. Every time i did it, considering my own happiness, it wouldn't last long. I still believe that every life has it purpose, my purpose is to making people happy, at least people around me, people that i know, people that i care about, people that i really care about. And when those people feel that i don't really mean anything, then its the time to move or away. I always said to myself, if no one needs me then its not my place to be. My gift My Curse.....
So, i just dropped the box, i didn't know what happen, i just dropped. I thought i hold it tight, considering to expand the box and feel it with more and more. I just dropped the box. It crack, all left are pieces of it. I'll keep it, at least to remind me that i've been there before, i've felt it once in a lifetime and still feel it.
I'm walking away (Craig David) ahahahahhaha... stupid song.....
Monday, May 2, 2011
Upper Level

These few days, we have good rain in my city, not even my carport protect my car from the water.
Bry always ask to play outside, street looks wet and I don't think i have energy to clean him up. The spirit of 4 years old dog and a man in the house. "A story of two men" my jogja's friend said. Hahaha.....
After lots of life I have now in my house, now i have problem with rats, somehow these creatures already rule the upper level of my house.
I thought I'm the king here.