The bus was great, and much different with our bus here in Indonesia.
So, another seven hours but it was 11.30 at night local time, i was wasting my time on the bus. I had to bought the ticket for the same price with an airplane ticket from Pekanbaru to Jakarta for about 500 thousands Rupiah.
It was little rain when i arrived at Galicia us Station. Freezing and confuse, because no clue at all beside a little map in my hand which i didn't anything about what mentioned in the map.
People in Spain, they are very proud of their language, it's proven when i was trying to get someone who can speak english just to help me bought a ticket or to point me a direction. But i survive, well because i was sure that i can survive as long as i believe. It was cold, i couldn't feel my own hands, i was trying to smoke my cigarette but it still cold but still fun.
I took another bus to get to the Hotel where the meeting took place.
The meeting was not in the Hotel but in the Castle, its and old Castle and its a beautiful place, fantastic. It was attended by people who concern about environment from around the europe. I was brought Paper Issue in this meeting. A lot of Countries in Europe import paper from Indonesia, and they proud of it because this paper is cheaper then other paper made from other country beside Indonesia. They were surprised when i show them the picture of Riau Forest which converted by the Paper Producers for Acacia Plantation. We're not deciding anything in this meeting, it was more like sharing information and experiences from around the world. Many of these people have came to Indonesia. And once they had to see what is really happen from my point of view and they can make a recheck on this information about what the progress of destruction and conversion on forest.
Discussion always happened formally and informally, i choose the time when we break time for lunch or even coffee break.
So, meeting, meeting and meeting, quite help but sometimes it ends just by meeting and not an action. We hope for action but needs plan and strategy. Don't want to waste your life for nothing just because you get cocky.
After the meeting i went to Finland, because i had Finnish Visa whe
n i went to Spain. Strange but i had to otherwise i couldn't pass the embassy and immigration, but don't get wrong i was there legally and for legal occupation.
I was staying at Otto's house because i was out of money, couldn't afford for hotel. Otto was fine with i stayed at his house.
Finland is the great, this country only has 5 million people, to little amount. Too many tourists there. I was there for another meeting, the meeting was attended to communicate about project which implemented in Riau and funded by Funder from Finland. Still cold but fund. I met a lot of people and i think the people there is great, and they have a great and good tasty chocolate. Four days in Finland and running out of visa. I was only had 14 days of visa and time to went back for me. Another 20 hours of flight for me to back to Jakarta, not mentioned how long that i had to wait for each stopped in some airports like Shanghai and Bangkok. And i arrived at 8.00 pm Jakarta's time.
Still wish to go there, Europe, and have more fun there and meet a lot more people to share knowledge, information and experience.
Time will tell and so my ability to develop my self to become more useful and informative human being.
So, another seven hours but it was 11.30 at night local time, i was wasting my time on the bus. I had to bought the ticket for the same price with an airplane ticket from Pekanbaru to Jakarta for about 500 thousands Rupiah.
It was little rain when i arrived at Galicia us Station. Freezing and confuse, because no clue at all beside a little map in my hand which i didn't anything about what mentioned in the map.
People in Spain, they are very proud of their language, it's proven when i was trying to get someone who can speak english just to help me bought a ticket or to point me a direction. But i survive, well because i was sure that i can survive as long as i believe. It was cold, i couldn't feel my own hands, i was trying to smoke my cigarette but it still cold but still fun.
The meeting was not in the Hotel but in the Castle, its and old Castle and its a beautiful place, fantastic. It was attended by people who concern about environment from around the europe. I was brought Paper Issue in this meeting. A lot of Countries in Europe import paper from Indonesia, and they proud of it because this paper is cheaper then other paper made from other country beside Indonesia. They were surprised when i show them the picture of Riau Forest which converted by the Paper Producers for Acacia Plantation. We're not deciding anything in this meeting, it was more like sharing information and experiences from around the world. Many of these people have came to Indonesia. And once they had to see what is really happen from my point of view and they can make a recheck on this information about what the progress of destruction and conversion on forest.
Discussion always happened formally and informally, i choose the time when we break time for lunch or even coffee break.
So, meeting, meeting and meeting, quite help but sometimes it ends just by meeting and not an action. We hope for action but needs plan and strategy. Don't want to waste your life for nothing just because you get cocky.
After the meeting i went to Finland, because i had Finnish Visa whe

I was staying at Otto's house because i was out of money, couldn't afford for hotel. Otto was fine with i stayed at his house.
Finland is the great, this country only has 5 million people, to little amount. Too many tourists there. I was there for another meeting, the meeting was attended to communicate about project which implemented in Riau and funded by Funder from Finland. Still cold but fund. I met a lot of people and i think the people there is great, and they have a great and good tasty chocolate. Four days in Finland and running out of visa. I was only had 14 days of visa and time to went back for me. Another 20 hours of flight for me to back to Jakarta, not mentioned how long that i had to wait for each stopped in some airports like Shanghai and Bangkok. And i arrived at 8.00 pm Jakarta's time.
Still wish to go there, Europe, and have more fun there and meet a lot more people to share knowledge, information and experience.
Time will tell and so my ability to develop my self to become more useful and informative human being.
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